Electric Scooter for Kids Fremont California

Electric Scooter for Kids Fremont California

Fisika 13. Usaha yang dilakukan oleh sebuah motor yang sedang melaju dengan percepatan 10 m/s² adalah 8.000 J. Jika motor mengalami perpindahan 20 m maka massa motor tersebut adalah.... A. 40 kg
B. 75 kg
C. 80 kg
D. 120 kg

14. Sebuah peluru yang bermassa 0,02 kg ditembakkan dengan kelajuan 400 m/s. Energi kinetik peluru adalah....
A. 1.600 joule
B. 8.000 joule
C. 16.000 joule
D. 45.000 joule

15. Kelajuan benda yang bermassa 8 kg dengan energi kinetik 100 joule adalah.... A. 2 m/s
B. 5 m/s
C. 8 m/s
D. 12,5 m/s

16. Sebuah bola bermassa 500 gram ditendang ke atas hingga mencapai titik tertinggi 7 meter. Jika percepatan gravitasi bumi 10 m/s² energi potensial di titik tertinggi adalah ....
A. 0,35 joule
B. 3,5 joule
C. 35 joule
D. 350 joule

Plisss kak bantuin aku udah stress​

B. inggris i am so glad that today is
over. so many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn't sleep a
wink last night. i was very tired when mum called me this morning. i fell asleep againuntil mum called me again. that snooze made me late.

i did not have time for breakfast.
i was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. dad had to ride me to school. he was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. he scolded me for being late.

i arrived at school on time.
the teacher asked us to hand in our homework. my homework was not in my bag. i had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. i usually check my bag in the morning. i did not do this because i was late i had to do extra assignment as a punishment.

After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. i tripped over it. and fell down the stairs. I hurt my knee and had have a bandage on it. What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one tomorrow.

1. what should the writer do to have A better day?
2. what is the main idea of the last paragraph​?​